1919 Sporting

Gerhard's Morgan 3-Wheeler Guest Book
August 1998 til December 1999

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Dr. A. M. Ware 28/Dec/1999:15:39:32
I am E. B. Ware's granddaughter (Edward Bradford Ware). He is the one
who raced 3 wheelers and crashed with his mechanic in 1924. I do not
know much else about him as he died long before I was born. I would
appreciate access to any photos or information concerning his life.
Dr Angela Maureen Ware.
Veterinary Surgeon
Hannover Veterinary Hospital
P.O. Box 2111
Hamilton HMJX
Ken Schwinghammer 26/Dec/1999:23:25:49

Hi I am building a repl of a barrel back ,Using a Tri Spitfire front sup , Guzzi 1000 cc convert eng , all steel const. , ita a rolling chassis, ready for int and mounting off hood and windshield , any advice would be nice , this site sure was great help I am in St. Cloud Mn 1 320 252 8127 week day after noons
Kip HarleyKip's Custom Auto-Cycles26/Dec/1999:20:23:12
Very nice site,enjoyed it very much!Have it in my book-
marks.I have always been interested in Mogans and anything
2/in front.Check out what I build you might find them
Das Autohaus 24/Dec/1999:20:21:13
Paul J. Vignone, Jr. 18/Dec/1999:03:58:02
I've always been a fan of unique automobiles--- especially three wheelers and cyclecars. WOW! What a great site. Thanks alot.
Ron Levy  16/Dec/1999:20:16:30
Great site. I have seen my first 3 wheeler in the Monterey Historic
Races and immediatly announced my plan to own one to my wife. Hope to
be able to add one to the garage sometime in the near future.
Peter M Whitworth 16/Dec/1999:06:15:15
Great website! Thank you. I will be back
john says  26/Nov/1999:00:27:01
warren loftin 25/Nov/1999:18:10:30
nice to see more information on three wheel morgans.
it would be nice to see an actual morgan in person. is
anyone close to winston salem, n.c. region.
Linster Bob 22/Nov/1999:18:27:49
Wirklich schöne Seiten;ich sehe öfters bei Euch rein.Mein F4 war dieses
Jahr nur knapp 1000 Meilen auf der Strasse,davon etwa 20 in Deutschland
bei einer Ausfahrt für Vorkriegsautos,die mal kurz über die Grenze
ging.Grüsse an alle! boB
Michael Rost   22/Nov/1999:00:15:41
Lieber Gerhard, tolle Leistung, voller Respekt.
Kleine Spitze: nicht nur an der Tastatur sitzen sondern auch mal
schrauben und fahren. Ich/wir vermisse(n) Euch bei unseren Treffen.
Mein 8er hat inzwischen 270 gepackt, der F-Type steht leider nur in der
Garage. Dafür ist die Anhängekupplung inzwischen offiziell eingetragen.
Liebe Grüße aus Trier von
Michael und Christine. Wann sehen wir uns mal wieder?
kh schwab   07/Nov/1999:09:52:51
Michael E Melick   06/Nov/1999:03:09:58
I have wanted a Morgan trike for years, as I couldn't afford to buy
one I found some blue prints and with some help from my friends built a
repilca. Now if I could just find out how much you have to pay to work
at the factory........
Servais Roland   05/Nov/1999:20:31:15
Excellent ,see you , best regards
Marco Batenburg havenoneyet 31/Oct/1999:20:42:27
Keep it alive!! the 3-wheel Morgan is the most beautiful car in the
world and I think the model with the Matchless MX4 engine has even the
most beautiful sound of all time. For me it forever will be a dream to
drive one of the supersports aero (my favorite) let alone own one.
With people like you the 3-wheel Morgan will never die!


GERRY JACKSON   21/Oct/1999:10:05:27
Interesting and informative. Have project to build and race three
wheeler, would greatfully appreciate any info or technical data on
chassis and motor.
Dave Trutzenbach The Round Table 10/Oct/1999:22:38:46
Nice cars. Owned one once. I will send E-Mail.
R.P.van Hal homepage 30/Sep/1999:16:32:38
I am the owner of a 1917 morgan which is completely dismantled.
Can anybody help me aquire drawings, pictures and adresses of people
who might still have parts or ideas on how to obtain parts for this car?
Jim Baker   27/Sep/1999:12:52:32
Dear Gerhard,
Greetings from sunny England!
I'm Morgan Three wheeler club regalia officer and a badge maker by
trade. We make badges for most of the Morgan World.
I've owned many Morgan three wheelers from a 1932 super sports that I
learn't to drive in through numerous later super sports, all with JAP
engines, an F Super and a Harold Beart Special 2 speeder with
blackburne power, ending with a side valve matchless family model.
keep up the good work
Jim Baker
Hinrich W. Paul, ali   18/Sep/1999:10:02:37
Pietro Milizia   11/Sep/1999:07:25:09
Always loved Morgan, and think this is the best anyone can made.
Jörg Pöhl   10/Sep/1999:17:24:40
Sie haben eine fantastische Seite geschaffen. Es hat mir viel Spaß
gemacht diese zu durchstöbern!!


Jörg Pöhl
Joel Dierselhuis   08/Sep/1999:14:19:22
Hi Gerhard,

Greetings to you and your family from Australia. I found your page
from the comment you made in Bastian's Lambda-Team guestbook. Your
page is really cool and I enjoy the pictures. Good Work!

John Boeckel   31/Aug/1999:17:47:21
Mike Farmer   30/Aug/1999:16:03:25
THOMAS BLAKLY   28/Aug/1999:14:37:30
Harry Maclean   26/Aug/1999:05:30:27
Great site. Excellent pictures and articles.

Harry Maclean
Toronto, Ontario
Steve Hughes none 24/Aug/1999:01:13:19
Hello Gerhard and all MTWC members and friends
Nice to see your web site and all the familar names in the guest book.
Have been an enthusiast for many years and have 32 SS JAP and 48 F4
though that's Val's really!
Need some more time to get them finished soon!!
Work keeps getting in the way.
i'd be delighted to hear from any of you
keep it on 3 (and preferably JAP or Blackburne)
Phil Myers   09/Jul/1999:05:44:32
Victory Historic Racing Cars
Phil Myers
806 Colorado St.
Goshen, IN. 46526
Scott Morrison   30/Jun/1999:06:16:42
Thank you for a great web site devoted to the cherished MTW. I have had
great joy every time I take her for a spin!
Mark L. Campbell   29/Jun/1999:19:49:21
Lance K. Lipscomb   28/Jun/1999:00:36:08
Nice site, am looking for f-type to build race car
John H. Sheally II/U   25/Jun/1999:18:03:09

Tony Quinn   24/Jun/1999:22:59:11
Excellent website. Very flattering to find my name mentioned on tthe Races -&- Records page. I purchased my first Morgan three wheeler at the age of 19 in 1968. It was a 1934 F4 and the wormwheel in the final drive melted on the way home due to lack of oil! Contact with a local Morgan repairer in Bristol then put me in touch with the Morgan Three Wheeler Club and I've been afflicted ever since. I started racing with a 1934 Sports 2-seater with an OHV WC Matchless MX4 and continued with a OHV AC Matchless MX2 Super Sports purchased in 1972. I returned to hillclimbing in 1998 and hope to compete in my first circuit race for about 20 years at VSCC Mallory Park in July 1999.
John Bradshaw   05/Jun/1999:12:03:12
A most impressive site - well done.

I am an embrionic MTW owner, currently collecting parts for a trials
Special - so ANY spares, or new bits will be most welcome!
Have spent much of my life so far driving 4 wheeled Morgans and Ariel
motorcycles, so the trike will be based on a very light 2-speeder Mog,
but with a seriously overbored Ariel Red Hunter (open rocker gear)engine
up front - and with a Ural 4speed+reverse transmission - no chains for
Morgan, Ural, Ariel - it must be called "Muriel" I guess.

Enough for now.
Best wishes to all Morganeers.
Dick Tuttle   05/Jun/1999:00:27:15

25 year owner of '34SS Beetleback LTOWZ. Second rebuild in slow progress.
Perndorfer Gerhard   31/May/1999:08:09:00
Ulrich Middelanis   22/May/1999:21:55:45
Lieber Gerhard,

haben uns soeben die Bilder von unserem Treffen angeguckt, pflege an erster Stelle weiter die homepage und restauriere erst danach die Threewheeler. Wer soll denn sonst so professionelle Infoseiten erstellen?
Eine Anmerkung zum riddle, Frank bzw. rhubarb* ist in diesem Falle außnahmsweise unschuldig. The broken part ist von meinem gigas candidus* und konnte kurzfristig durch den Bügel einer Maler-Deckenrolle ersetzt werden.

* (seit dem Pfingsttreffen '94 in Hamburg haben unsere TW von
unseren englischen Freunden Namen verliehen bekommen.)

Liebe Grüße, auch an Waltraud

Ulrich und Angela
Mike -&- Marija   22/May/1999:18:02:15
Hallo Gerhard, hallo Waltraud !

Endlich sind wir auch dazu gekommen, die Bilder vom Treffen und dann die
ganze Homepage anzuschauen - Kompliment, wirklich gelungen!

Aber noch viel gelungener wäre die ganze Sache bestimmmt, wenn der
Homepage-Macher endlich selbst mit seinen Dreirädern abgebildet wäre und
auch von so manchem Fahrerlebnis berichten könnte....

Alles Liebe,
Earl Band   22/May/1999:06:03:03
Great website.
4 wheel owner for last 30 years. Current Mog is a 1987 +8.
Member of "Morgan Owners Group-Great Lakes"
My wife, my Morgan, and I live in the greater Detroit area.
Keep up the good work.
daniel knoop   15/May/1999:08:09:13
i have a 1229 super areo sports powered by a jap.
Iwa´n W. Weese   06/May/1999:11:39:56
Bernd LAUTNER Bernds ... und Morgan Seite 29/Apr/1999:12:30:39
hi Gerhard

bin das erste mal auf deiner homepage. hab erst gestern angefangen das
internet auf Morgan Sachen zu durchforsten. das was ich bis jetzt
gefunden habe übertrifft meine erwartungen wirklich. immer so weiter
Ernst Jan Krudop   22/Apr/1999:18:17:22
Very informative site!

There's no such fun as driving the Threewheeler.

You can see a picture of mine at:

Bob Burns   20/Apr/1999:00:55:14
Dear Gerhard,

I still have not found my Morgan, but I enjoy viewing your excellent


Frank Henrich Friedrich goes to Internet 27/Mar/1999:00:55:30
Hallo Gerhard,

mir fallen gleich die Augen zu. Werde demnächst Deine
I-Seite näher unter die Lupe nehmen.

Also Gute Nachte, guten Tag - wann immer Du diesen
Eintrag liest. Und Grüße mir den Rest Deiner Familie !!!


Joerg alles mögliche 24/Mar/1999:10:42:06
Hi Gerhard!
Perfekte Pages - Gratulation! Da kann man sich noch eine Scheibe
Gruß, Joerg
Jim Abbott SciGraphics 08/Mar/1999:22:31:12
As an ex-VARA racer (MG special) in the 60's and 70's, some of my
favorite memories involved following Morgan Three-Wheelers around the
track. I can't explain why, I guess I just like them.
Thomas Steirer   04/Mar/1999:09:36:55

Hallo Gerhard,
gatuliere zu dieser tollen Leistung. Die Mühe hat sich ausgezahlt. Ich bin seit 1996 beim MTWC dabei, aber immernoch - mangels Entschlußkraft - auf der Suche nach dem passenden F-Type.
Thomas Steirer Vienna, Austria
Dave Anscombe   26/Feb/1999:20:13:03
Some great pictures of early cars. Nice to see some MTWC members can
keep up with this modern technology even if it's not much more reliable
than a Mog!
Keller Mick   22/Feb/1999:14:54:39
Hallo Gerhard!
In die Reihe der Gratulanten kann ich mich nur einreihen. Eine
herausragende Internetseite! Auf Fortsetzungen sind wir gespannt...
Vielleicht demnächst ein virtuelles Platznehmen am Steuer oder sogar
eine kleine Fahrt?
Grüße von Margit und Mick
Bob Paul   19/Feb/1999:05:09:35

Ken Schwinghammer   05/Feb/1999:05:16:22
I am building a barrel back from scratch, using Tri Spitfire frond
sup. Guzzi eng, hand making everthing else , could use some advice
Ken at logajeff@espressocom.com I am in St. Cloud Mn
Jörgen Fritz   03/Feb/1999:18:19:09
Nice site !!
monika Albuquerque   02/Feb/1999:14:59:07
A wonderful page !!!! thank you

my father is the owner of an 4/4 morgan 1947

Helmut Franz   24/Jan/1999:03:44:53
i use an +8
Timor Pelz zur Zeit Ohne 24/Jan/1999:00:18:51
ich finde das alles sehr toll, zumal ich das erste mal in meinem ganzen
Leben im Internet bin: was für ein Abenteuer!
Ich bin gerade dabei ein paar Modelle im Maßstab 1:8 von unseren
geliebten Dreirädern zu bauen. Leider habe ich noch keine Fotos, diese
folgen aber bald, so hoffe ich!
Ich melde mich also bald wieder!

Meine Adresse:
Timor Pelz
Esselbornstraße 27
64289 Darmstadt

Tel. 06151/784239

Zur Zeit kein Internetzugang, aber das wird noch

Mark L. Campbell   11/Jan/1999:17:27:39
Magnus Kruthammar.ST   10/Jan/1999:10:23:03
Frank Friedli   10/Jan/1999:00:20:28
Hallo Gerhard
Bin bei meinem vierten Besuch immer noch begeistert von Deiner Arbeit.
Wenn das so weiter geht, muss ich wohl irgendwann in den Entzug. Schön,
dass ich laut Gästebuch mit meiner seit 1984 schleichenden Restauration
meines MX4 SS noch lange nicht in Rekordnähe bin.
Tony Hignett   30/Dec/1998:21:49:14
1937 F4 owner
Schmidt Uschi   28/Dec/1998:21:38:29
Eine wirklich super-gute 3-rädrige homepage !!!
Kalle Strandman   23/Dec/1998:00:10:14
robert mayerhoefer   22/Dec/1998:13:25:30
Hallo gerhard!
Mein erster Besuch in deiner homepage,tolle geschichte.
Bis bald mal wieder!
Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.
john dale   18/Dec/1998:10:44:05
hi we are working on a morgan 3 wheeler project here in new zealand
shawnacy gore   06/Dec/1998:07:21:22

you guys need o put more pichers of 3wheeler more your honda 185 rider shawnacy
Steve and Val Wakefi   03/Dec/1998:05:13:16

Very nice page - Thank-you
Jerry Vitarelli   03/Dec/1998:04:26:44
I have 1950 F-4, and 1937 4/4 #304. Also play with my 57 356 A Coupe
and 63 B Coupe, here in Northern Virginia. Like to hear from all.
Frank Simmank   02/Dec/1998:23:15:40
Luc Veilleux   22/Nov/1998:04:58:39
I was doing some research for my uncle who built a 3 wheel Morgan from a
kit. I linked up tpyours from the official Morgan site. Yours is much
better! It is amazing! Very detailled and well laid out . Great job.
I'll ask my uncle to give me a picture of his Morgan so I can scan and
submit it. He's already won a few contests in Québec and some US
states. Thanks. Luc
Tom Scheele Onkel Toms Homepage 13/Nov/1998:20:50:22
Guten Tag Herr Kießling.
Als Klassenkamerad von Bastian hab ich mich auf Ihre Seite "verirrt".
Nicht schlecht. Ich bin zwar kein großer Autoliebhaber, aber die Seite
ist sehr informativ gestaltet (großes Lob für die Schlichtheit).

ICQ : 4449678
Drucks, Hermann   11/Nov/1998:16:59:14
Super gut !

bis demnächst

Pete Olson   30/Oct/1998:23:06:27
Very nice page. I am the proud owner of a 32 Super Sports with LTOWZ JAP. Since I try to race it at least 3 times a year, I am always looking for ways to make it faster and more dependable.
Jim Nichol   27/Oct/1998:13:13:30
A wonderful page and one that three wheeler enthusiasts need! Happy Morganing!!
Ed Berghino   16/Oct/1998:01:59:27
Fred Sisson   15/Oct/1998:05:35:23
Good stuff! I am racing F type with Willment IO head- in US. Great fun!
BILL WEED   14/Oct/1998:05:56:51
Hlynur Tomasson 09/Oct/1998:00:38:40
Grate details of little known car
David N. Goodchild   06/Oct/1998:19:53:10
Very useful site. I've just started building a replica of a 1935 Barrel
Back Super Sports. I'm scaling up a 1/16th plastic model to get the
right shapes and dimensions. Haven't decided on an engine yet but it
will be in the same position and form as the original. Should be
finished next year; (I said that about the boat I'm just finishing up
after 5 years also).


David N. Goodchild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Jo Courage   05/Oct/1998:12:23:44
Loved the site.
Here's a little insight into who I am and my connection with these
lovely cars.
I passenger for Andy Abraham in his Touring Modified Super Sports. For
the last 2 years we have been the outright winners of the Morgan Motor
Company Challenge Series.
I am also the proud owner of a 1928 Family and was honoured to recieve
the Lady Enthusiast award from the Morgan Three Wheeler Club this year.
Keep up the good work. I will try and send some pictures.
Graham Chivrall none 02/Oct/1998:17:00:28
Jolly good site .Will send pictures of the Splinnet
John Coombes Only Morgan 3 wheeler Images 24/Sep/1998:16:01:16
Fantastic set of Morgan Three Wheeler Pages, the best I have seen yet.
You seem to have covered just about everything and I am sure you will
be getting lots of hits on your MTW web site.

A month or so ago I put together a set of ONLY MTW images off my main
web site (URL above) but all the colour images were those that I had
stolen from other sites plus some old black and white images that my
father (Clarrie Coombes) had scanned on a CPM computer years ago. I
did this in an effort to provide a dedicated MTW set of pages.

This site of yours is far better than mine is (informative) never the
less I will continue with my site but also put in a link direct to your
site. Which I consider to be the best dedicate MTW web site around.

All the best, keep up the good work, yours John.
Manfred Beutel   23/Sep/1998:20:43:03
Hallo Gerhard,

als echter Morgan-Fan möchte ich Dir herzlich zu Deiner guten
und informativen Seite beglückwünschen.
Leider bin ich noch nicht so weit, professionelle Seiten
ins Netz zu stellen. Aber meine kleine Anfängerseite ist unter
zu sehen.

Vielleicht trifft man sich ja mal z.B. zum Morgan Herbsttreffen
in Stadtkyll in der Eifel.

Bis dann
Carlton B. Shriver   22/Sep/1998:21:52:40
I just became the owner of a 1932 sport family (I think) with a side
valve engine. It is not currently running, but it seem complete and
should run soon. (probably famous last words)
Bert Varady   15/Sep/1998:23:15:54
Greetings from almost the middle of North America.
Just finished a six year rebuild of my 1936 SS with
a Matchless MX2. Runs great! Still have two more
waiting in the shed (1935 SS and 1938 SS). All are
Ranger Kevin Ranger Kevin's Home Page 14/Sep/1998:21:58:48
Loved the pictures...Saved some of them in case your page ever
disappears. I'll be looking around Tucson for any survivors and turn
them on to your page while I'm scooting on my '73 Norton Commando that I
picked up in Heidelberg in '74. Were any versions made that did
bekkenkamp, e,m   12/Sep/1998:17:39:55

Melvyn Rutter The Morgan Sports Car Emporium 08/Sep/1998:22:27:51
Thank you for coming to see us, have returned the compliment.
Keep up the good Morgan work, as we do every day and night.
Regards, Melvyn R.
Fred Birkbeck The Engineer's Passion 07/Sep/1998:23:34:38
Great pages, great pictures and excellent web site.
Greetings from Australia. Fred -&- Jenny Birkbeck. 1951 +4
Beatrix   06/Sep/1998:13:59:18
Hallo Gerhard,
leider habe ich keine tollen Postkarten und Vekaufsprospekte und auch
keine Schrauben oder sonstige Originalersatzteile, aber ich möchte Dich
und den Rest der 3-Wheeler-family auf diesem Weg ganz ganz doll grüßen.
Alles Liebe, Eure Bea
P.S.: Klasse homepage !!!
Hank Ferguson   01/Sep/1998:02:39:34
Dear Gerhard!

Outstanding homepage! Your coverage of Threewheelers is the best I`ve
ever seen. (actually it is the first I`ve ever seen) Hope to see you on
the road soon.

CU folk
Tony McLaughlin morganville 01/Sep/1998:01:33:35
Super coverage of the 3-wheeler! hope to hear from you for a listing of
your car..
Julia Kießling   31/Aug/1998:18:26:26
Hai Papi!

Hoffe ich bin die erste!!!!
Deine Page ist einfach spitze!!!

Love heaps Julia
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